Past Events

We are proud of our events, here are some good ones!


Oct 24, 2015– Focus on AAUW Fellows and Grantees

Sept 19, 2015 – SWE Aspire to Lead

Nov. 8, 2015 – Be Safe and More Productive Online

AAUW-College Park Branch Meeting, Co-Sponsored by The Campus Club:
“Be Safe & More Productive Online”
Sunday, Nov 8, 2-4 pm
A.V. Williams Building, University of Maryland College Park Campus
8223 Paint Branch Drive, College Park
Rm 4172
***Free parking on Sunday in Lot GG1 and GG3 immediately south and east of the Computer Science Building; using the Paint Branch entry on campus, take Campus Drive, then immediately right on Paint Branch; lot GG1 would be first on your right, GG2 and GG3 are the second alley right, closer to the building but also smaller***

Dr Jandelyn (Jan) Plane, the Director of the Center for Women in Computing (University of Maryland, College Park) , helped by some of her Computing Ambassadors, will be talking about safety and privacy issues online, taking time to help you make your accounts more secure and also possibly talking about collaboration tools online.

This is also a ‘Share the Future’ event and the first (in recent memory) in what we hope to be a great collaboration with the Campus Club. So bring a friend or two, and if you haven’t already done so and plan to come on Sunday , please fill in the survey at

Today’s Internet activities can expose us to financial and social harm yet few can avoid web-based mail, banking, and utility transactions. And then there is the world of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Some now consider the concept of privacy obsolete.

Dr. Plane is Director of the new Maryland Center for Women in Computing at UMCP, Associate-Director of ACES (the first undergraduate cybersecurity honors program). For 15 years, she worked on university computer science capacity building projects in sub- Saharan Africa and Afghanistan. Jan holds graduate degrees in both computer science and education.

Bring your laptops, notebooks and iPads for best results. For those who normally use a desktop, a number of devices will be available for loan on the day of the presentation.